On December 10th AAUW Newburyport and North Shore branches will hold their annual holiday luncheon with a silent auction, where our 2011 International Fellow will speak.
Our annual holiday luncheon and silent auction to benefit the Educational Foundation is fast approaching. It will be on Saturday, December 10th at the Rowley Public Library at 11:00 a.m. Please contact one of the co-chairs, Scottie Robinson at 978-768-1183 or Nellie Wadsworth at 978-825-0779, if you are attending the luncheon. We need to know by December 8th to prepare food. Feel free to bring a guest with you. The cost of the luncheon is $15.
We will be having an international fellow, Elizaveta Lehchiner from Russia, as our speaker this year. She is studying at Harvard University, with a concentration in Chemistry. Her research focuses on how cells achieve the balance between life and death. She is looking forward to applying her knowledge to the development of new pharmacological agents to treat disease.
Silent Auction
We are asking people to bring items for the silent auction. This is good time to clean out stuff or re-gift items. Everyone has things they would like to “recycle”. You can also bake items for the auction.
Kim’s Project
Liz Fragola, MA AAUW president, as a follow up to our very successful State Meeting held recently on Human Trafficking, has asked that we help out "Kim's Project." The things this organization can use the most are gift cards that are good at multiple places, since the women they serve have such diverse needs. If you don’t have time to to get a gift certificate, you can donate money and Liz will take care of purchasing gift cards. As we learned, this organization gets these women who were used in trafficking on the path to new lives.
We are looking forward to seeing all of you on Saturday. The day is always so much fun.
Linda Britt